
Showing posts from October, 2020

Accessing Excel file Stored on SharePoint Site from Microsoft Power BI

This is my first ever blog. In this blog post, one can understand how to generate a Power BI report using data stored on client's SharePoint site. Let's starts with understanding, what is SharePoint ? "Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based service that helps organizations to share and manage content, knowledge and application." - Microsoft Documentation In this post, we are using excel files that are stored on SharePoint and combining these files into one dataset in Power BI. The assumption is that the excel files have similar structure because Power BI will apply same operations (i.e. transformation, aggregation etc) on all of these files. SharePoint Site Above is my sample SharePoint site with three files in it. Now, Lets start with opening Power BI Desktop and then click on "Get Data" button. Now you will see a prompt showing list of various data connectors available in Power BI. Now click on "More" or you can search it by typing connector's