
Showing posts from July, 2024

Medallion Architecture Demystified: Exploring the Core of Microsoft Fabric

The exponential growth of data necessitates a structured and organized approach to unlock its full potential. The Medallion architecture, a prominent framework for constructing dependable data lakehouses, is integral to data warehousing and analytics. This blog will delve into the seamless integration of Medallion architecture with Microsoft Fabric, enhancing the power of data-driven decision-making. Understanding the Medallion: A Multi-Layered Approach At its core, the Medallion architecture is a three-tiered system, often referred to as a "multi-hop" architecture.  Each layer progressively refines the data, enhancing its quality and usability for analytics. These layers are: Bronze Layer (Raw Zone) : This initial layer acts as a landing zone for raw data ingested from various sources. The data structure here remains unchanged, preserving its original format. Silver Layer (Enriched Zone) : Data from the Bronze layer is cleansed, transformed, and standardized in this layer.